chicksIt always amazes me how they do this. They cram a bunch of 1 day old chicks into a cardboard box, slap a few stamps on the box and mail it (yes, mail it - USPS)

A few days later, we open the box and pour them out. Add some water, feed and TLC and 17 weeks later, you start to get fresh eggs. Pretty amazing. This is really getting popular among the urban farmers since it does not take much space to do it.

You can get started yourself in your own back yard. If you are interested, let us know, we'll show you the ropes. We buy from the Meyer Hatchery in Ohio.

All 26 of them arrived March 24 crammed into one small box about 8" x 6" x 6" (for warmth). The Post Office delivered them from the Meyer Hatchery in Ohio.

They need to be kept in a small space under a heat lamp.


As of July 1, they look like this:


and on June 27th, we got a couple of these:


Yea! The llamas arrived this morning after a boatload of rain around here prevented their arrival earlier this week.

There are two males and three females. The oldest two are about 6 years old, then there are two about 2 years old and one was born last year.

We think two of the 3 females are pregnant so there may be some crias (babies) on the way this fall.


Bean Llama5
Llama2 Lorenzo